to Dr. Joyjoy Falia Fries…

Dr. Joyjoy Falia-Fries clinic…
Dr. Joyjoy Falia-Fries has started to move forward with the next goals of outreach in Chuuk, Micronesia. She has been keeping the clinic open and seeing 15-20 patients a day. She is now starting to provide increased cosmetic dentistry to improve the smiles of the Chuukese people. In June 2019 she will be performing the first outreach dental clinic to the outer islands and not just on Weno. She will be using a portable dental unit to reach the people who cannot come to Weno for dental care.
If you would like to help us reach the people of the State of Chuuk Micronesia, a donation of $10 can help to purchase the supplies for us to purchase composite and other supplies to give a person a new smile. $5 will help us to relieve a person experiencing dental pain and in need of a dental extraction. This small donation can make a huge difference in a persons life. Please visit our donate page today.