Our last large dental clinic in December 2019 on the Amazon River in Peru
We did not realize how blessed we were during our last large dental clinic in Peru… Looking back it almost seems like a dream to serve hundreds of people with free dental care. However the changes did not stop us from moving forward. We have continued to see people in our large mobile dental clinic here in Lane County Oregon. We see one person at a time and thoroughly clean the clinic after each patient. We have successfully conducted hygiene and dental clinics ongoing during the last year. We have also been able to do large socially distanced clinics in Eugene, Oregon and Omak Washington, maintaining six feet apart when possible and providing preventative measures to ensure a safe environment.
In December 2020 we were able to return to Zambia and re-establish our dental clinic at Riverside Farms Institute with two full time dentists, who are now licensed in Zambia and providing daily dental clinics in Southern Zambia. We will likely be accepting dental volunteers in August 2021.
We hope to eventually re-establish volunteer options in Madagascar, Micronesia, Mongolia, and Peru when air travel and COVID restrictions are lowered. We also hope to participate in our first large free dental clinic in Portland, Oregon in August as well as smaller free clinics in Washington and Idaho in 2021. In the Fall of 2021 we hope to have clinics in Omak, Washington; Sandy, Oregon; Bend, Oregon; and Eugene, Oregon.
Our Mobile Dental Clinic in Lane County Oregon currently has a 6 month wait list, we hope to decrease the wait time once COVID restrictions as lowered.