Caring Hands Worldwide not only provides free dental clinics in the Pacific Northwest, but we also have helped to establish small portable clinics in Zambia, Madagascar, Micronesia, Mongolia, Peru, Argentina, Moldova, Ukraine, Bahamas, our first project was in El Salvador in 2004. In 2024 we will be working on getting portable dental equipment to the Philippines.
Our goal is to provide the portable dental equipment to non-profits in these countries so that local dentists can volunteer and provide free dental care ongoing. The cost of one portable dental unit is $3,500. This unit can help volunteer dentists to do fillings, extractions, root canals, and dental cleanings in very remote communities using a small portable compressor purchased in the the country.

There are many challenges to establishing a portable dental clinic program in another country. The first challenge is getting the ADEC portable unit through Customs. Some countries welcome us to come and do not place barriers. Other Countries do not allow us to bring the equipment in and sometimes Customs agents attempt to get a bribe to get the equipment in. We have a connection with someone in the Philippines that will get the donated dental equipment into the Philippines.
The next challenge is finding a trustworthy non-profit to agree to provide free dental care and not sell the equipment for use it for do for profit dental care. However many countries have established dental outreach programs that have limited or no dental equipment and with a portable dental unit they can serve hundreds if not thousands of people each year with free dental care. Please considering a donation this year to help establish a portable dental program in the Philippines. DONATE HERE 100% of your donation will go to purchase ADEC Portable Dental Units for the 2024 Philippines Project. If you prefer to send a check please send to Caring Hands Worldwide P.O. Box 459 Lowell, OR 97452 and put Philippines Project in the Memo line. If you have questions about the Philippines project contact Randy Meyer, Executive Director of Caring hands Worldwide by texting 541-556-5902 or [email protected]